Titan Wallet for VSYS and NFTs

An all-in-one wallet to send, receive, and lease tokens and collect NFTs on the V Systems blockchain.

NFTs are more than digital images

Display and browse your NFTs and VSYS coins in list and grid view.

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Stake & Earn VSYS

Lease and stake your VSYS coins to earn from our partner Supernodes with one click.

Connect with any V Systems App

Integrate the Titan Wallet app with any application built on the V Systems blockchain.

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How to buy VSYS

You can buy, sell, and swap VSYS tokens on most major exchanges, including OKX, Huobi, and Kucoin.

Disclaimer: V Systems does not own, maintain, or operate any of these wallets.

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Titan for browser and mobile

Choose the browser extension of your preference, or download Titan for Android and iOS.

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