V Stable Swap Contract

V Stable Swap smart contract acts as an order book system on the V Systems network, i.e., a liquidity pool for both transaction parties to participate on either side as long as the pool has sufficient liquidity. It can accept any type of token in the V Systems blockchain, including option tokens created through the V Option Contract.

V Stable Swap Features

No-code deployment

Issuing tokens on the V Systems’ chain does not require any coding skills. Contracts are pre-built and audited by V Systems.

Dual-end limit orders

Unlike general order book systems, V Stable Swap supports the creation of a limit order on both sides: users can set both buy and sell limit orders at once, in one transaction.

V Stable Swap contract implements the traditional order book method of handling trades, allowing you to place orders against the smart contract, which can only be filled at the order’s set price. It is no different than setting a conventional “limit” order. Unlike traditional order book systems, V Stable Swap supports the creation of a limit order on both sides – users can set both buy and sell limit orders at once, in one transaction. Fees are fixed, instead of being calculated as a percentage like in traditional markets, and the order creator also decides on a maximum and a minimum fee for each swap. This helps maintain a balance between fees and liquidity, and ensure fair prices.

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